Friday, April 3, 2009

The Power of His Love

Lest you should think any of this is possible of myself or that I think I did this there is NO way. To feel compassion for a person who caused so much pain in my life is only possible through the Atonement. He makes it possible. I am a weak person. ANYTHING good I feel or do comes from His grace...His enabling power and is motivated by the incredible love I know He has not only for me but for ALL of His children. Having tasted just a smidge of His love has brought healing to my heart and helped me love others. It's not me.

Today is our wedding anniversary. He forgot. I realized a couple of weeks ago that he forgot when I saw his schedule for the month and he hadn't requested today off. He usually does. I didn't want to remind him then because I didn't want him to feel bad about it since there was nothing he could do at that point. But it's just silly because now when he does remember (when he gets the card I tucked in his bag) he will feel even worse. Do I secretly want him to feel bad? Or do I just not really care? Or have I decided that it's not really that important? Or do I really want to protect him? Hmmmm. I need to ponder. I'll get back to you :)

1 nephi 17:3 And if it so be that the children of men keep the commandments of God he doth nourish them, and strengthen them, and provide means whereby they can accomplish the thing which he has commanded them;

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